Welcome back to the FoxWeb on the cusp of another weekend.
Life should come with an instruction manual instead of just "Wing it."
There should be clear goals you can choose from, and some indication when you've completed a goal and can move on to another, with an accompanying sense of accomplishment for doing a good job.
There should also be a rule that no one you care about should die before their time, leaving you to grieve once they are no longer around.
The only way to deal with the latter is to value those you care about while they are around, and not take their existence for granted. Love them when you can, grieve when you must. Don't let an opportunity slip past to appreciate their being in your world.
We like celebrations, and often urge everyone to be of Great Cheer. Sometimes that comes hard, trying to look on the bright side when there's suddenly a hole in your life. It's fine to remember the good times you had, but that doesn't really cover all the good times you should still be having. Going on without someone you care about is a challenge at best, and not the sort where you can feel accomplished in the end.
Don't take anyone or anything for granted. Time may heal all wounds, but it keeps on ticking, and new wounds are waiting in the wings. All things come to an end.
We'll be back on Monday. Please take care Out There... and yeah, be of Cheer.